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The Event Times is a one stop destination to enlighten your knowledge about all the major event specific happenings around you.

The Event Times weekly magazine is a leading resource for event professionals and enthusiasts looking to stay up-to-date on the latest industry news, get inspired, learn something new, and expand their network.

We are fueled by the event planners, meeting planners, vendors, suppliers, business owners, PR professionals, and aspiring industry leaders that read our content.

The prime motive is to provide our readers all the crucial information relating to major events with newsletters, white papers, surveys, webinars and live events.

Our mission is to help its audience produce smarter events all while enhancing their careers with newsletters, on-demand video content, white papers, surveys, webinars live events, and weekly magazines.

The Event Time

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The prime motive is to provide our readers all the crucial information relating to major events with newsletters, white papers, surveys, webinars and live events.

What CEO Says

Facilisi sed ultrices fringilla nec nisl est faucibus augue enim, lobortis cras leo consectetur pellentesque at cras ut quis mattis elit ut nam placerat.

Tortor potenti sed aliquet feugiat integer dolor vulputate ultricies et semper tellus pretium justo, suscipit sollicitudin erat massa euismod ac.

John Smith

Editorial Team

Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Mark Dunhill


Maria Elisa

Senior Editor

Silvia Heart


Oliver Johnson


Jackson William


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Mauris posuere facilisis risus nunc est venenatis varius eget phasellus auctor mauris